Descending from Mt  Royal

A detailed seasonal activity program which is updated each month is available to members and the public. It consists of all of the activities for a twelve week period with a description of the activity, the date(s), the grading, the leader and contact number, and relevant map references (if applicable).

 Autumn Programme 2024 – Update 1 April 2024

Visitors are very welcome to try out walks and the Club, before joining. If you would like to join us on an activity, call the nominated leader or any of the people listed under “Contact us” or email: ramblerswalksofficer@gmail.com. It is essential that you contact the nominated leader of the activity at least 48 hours before hand – do not just turn up.

The type of activity is keyed and will assist the member when selecting an activity of a particular interest;

    • DW = Day Walk. This may be morning, afternoon or an all day walk.
    • TW = Twilight Walk. Usually after 5pm on the summer program during daylight saving.
    • BP = Backpack. A multi-day backpack requiring the self sufficiency of remote area walking.
    • CC = Car Camp. A fixed base camp that will include other activities.
    • BR = Bike Ride. Use of bicycles to explore area of the region. Can include Rail Trails in other states.
    • PA = Paddle (Flat and White Water). Trips involving a kayak or canoe but limited to G1 rapids or less.
Morning tea break along Pretty Plain Creek – November 2023
Current Program February 4, 2014